preceding year: 2020 | proceeding year: 2022
2021 was a year in the 2020s.
In the year 2021:
- simultaneous bursts of radiation were observed by Earth astronomers from both Saturn and Jupiter, accompanied by the moon Titan disappearing from orbit around Saturn and reappearing around Jupiter and leaving behind only the atmosphere[1].
- Tim Belflow freezes himself to wake up in the future.[2]
- 1st October Matt Tallon joined Slater's Slayers[3]
- on a Wednesday, Slater's Slayers played a match against the Southampton Sharks in Southampton[4] during which Jaws Jensen was killed by fan-atics[5].
- Jaws Jensen[5]
The following stories were set in the year 2021:
- Mean Arena
Real World[]
Dreddworld stories due to be published in 2000AD and most stories due to be published in the Judge Dredd Megazine in this year were set in the year 2143.