

Savage and Silk are looking to hide out in Novatown, a city in North-east England that has been turned into a ghost town by a Volgan nerve gas attack. While there they came across an old man still living there in a hotel. The Volgs, however, have tracked them to the city, They find the old man and kill him, then burst in on Savage while he is taking a bath. Even in the bath, though, Savage still has his shotgun on him, and he kills them all. Before the old man dies, he tells Savage about an unexploded nerve gas canister hidden out the front of the hotel. Savage and Silk don gas masks and shoot the canister, thereby killing all the Volgs[2].

Recurring Characters[]

Bill Savage[]

Savage is the leader of an elite group in the Resistance.

Lieutenant Peter Silk[]

Silk is a lieutenant in the Resistance. He is Savage's second-in-command.

Other characters[]


Charlie is a hotel owner in Novatown.[2].


