A former Flying Squad detective collaborates with the Volgans to discover the Mad Dogs hideout. Savage is alerted by Rogan, a former Flying Squad mechanic, who witnessed the detective beating up his informer. The mechanic soups up two captured Volgan vehicles for them to escape in. Savage and Silk get away in the first car, but Rogan's car is hit. He is killed, but manages to take out the tank crew before he dies[1].
Recurring Characters[]
Bill Savage[]
- Savage is the leader of the Resistance group known as the Mad Dogs.
Lieutenant Peter Silk[]
- Silk is a lieutenant in the Resistance. He is second-in-command of the Mad Dogs.
Other characters[]
- Sload is an ex-detective in the Flying Squad, turned collaborator[1].
- Rogan is a mechanic, previously of the Flying Squad. He is killed trying to escape from a warehouse with the Mad Dogs[1].