
In 2103, 95% of Mega-City One's population of 800 million lived in Citiblocks, some of which were a mile-high[1].

2000 AD and Citiblocks copyright Rebellion Developments Ltd A/S 2024


By one methodology of categorisation from 2109, the main types of block were:

  • Pre-Atomic War - built before 2070[2]
  • Pre-Apocalypse War - built between 2070 and 2104[2]
  • Post-Apocalypse War - built after 2104[2]
  • Con-Apts - lower-level higher-quality apartment blocks[2]
  • Crockblocks - inhabited by old age citizens[2]

A 2124 method categorised blocks as:

  • Cityblock - most common, similar in size and capacity[3]
  • Con-Apt - older though more luxurious than standard blocks in their day[3]
  • Low rise - usually low quality of living[3]
  • Pre-Atomic - among oldest blocks and have survived multiple wars, though not without damage[3]
  • Slum - usually pre-Atomic but have barely been maintained. In addition to their pre-existing population, used to house problem cases by Housing Department[3]
  • Luxy-Block - luxurious and maintained by extensive robotic staff. Many apartments lay empty due to expense[3]


  1. Judge Dredd: Futsie Loose
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Judge Dredd Floorplans: Citi-Block
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Rookie's Guide to Block Wars