
Direct Action was a Judge Dredd comic story originally published in 2000 AD. It consisted of three parts, serialised between Progs 1477 and 1479.


A gang of skysurfers are intercepting munce trucks and taking the foodstuff to help starving children in the Mega-City One refugee camps.

Judge Dredd and a squad of Judges are waiting during one particular raid. They manage to bring down once skysurfer, a 14-year old girl who claims to be called Mercey Shakespeare.

In reality, she is an orphan called Marla Sloop who has created an identity for herself as Shakespeare's daughter. Dredd uses her as bait to be rescued by her friends, including the use of a rookie Judge as another prisoner. The operation goes badly though, and the rookie Judge is killed. Dredd then shoots down one of the skysurfers as they try to escape, an unarmed twelve-year-old girl.



  • According to Sloop, 29% of the children in the refugee camps as a result of the Total War bombings are suffering from malnutrition [1].
  • Sloop has taken on the identity of the daughter of renowned skysurfer - and occasional foil for Dredd - Marlon Shakespeare [2].


  • Although firm, Dredd is initially quite lenient with Sloop and the skysurfer gang. However, as soon as the rookie Judge is killed - particularly as he was assigned by Dredd - he places them all in the category of Judge-killer, and has no compunction with shooting them with the intent to kill. He anticipates that he will be investigated over the incident by the Special Judicial Squad, but that he will be cleared.



  1. Judge Dredd: "Total War"
  2. Judge Dredd: "Unamerican Graffiti"