This prog continued the opening stories of Dan Dare, Flesh and Harlem Heroes. Invasion began a two-part story on Dartmoor, M.A.C.H.1 had another single-episode story, and Judge Dredd began his first story that would span multiple progs - the eight-episode Robot Wars. This particular episode featured the very first appearance of Walter the Wobot, although he wouldn't develop a lisp until Prog 13 so technically he's Walter the Robot at this point.
It was this Dredd story that featured on the cover, by artist Carlos Ezquerra (his second cover of many, although he wouldn't do another for nearly two years). The back cover featured the third part of the cut-out-and-keep Flesh card game.
- Invasion: Dartmoor Part 1 of 2
- advert: Corgi Batman models
- Flesh: Book One Part 10 of 19
- Readergraph: Speeders of the Space Age
- Harlem Heroes: Harlem Heroes Part 10 of 27
- 2000 AD Nerve Centre
- advert: Humbrol
- Dan Dare: The Biogs Part 10 of 11
- M.A.C.H.1: On the Roof of the World
- Judge Dredd: Robot Wars Part 1 of 8
- Tharg factfile
- advert: Philatelic Service
- Flesh game Part 3 of 4
Tharg's Rosette of Sirius consisted of implanted sapphires in his forehead, which acted as a tuning module for a sub-space communicator[2]. Tharg's skin was pastel green and grew deeper towards his next skin shedding[2]. He preferred to eat pure Poly-Vinyl-Chloride, which on Earth he found in the form of plastic cups[2].