This prog featured single-episode stories from Invasion, M.A.C.H.1 and Judge Dredd, a second Tharg's Future-Shock, plus the continuing stories of Harlem Heroes and Shako. The front cover features a second Supercover by Lopez, and the back cover featured the first in a series of Futurefocus postergraphs.
- Invasion: Bluebird[3]
- Harlem Heroes: Harlem Heroes Part 26 of 27
- Shako: Shako Part 7 of 16
- advert: A. A. Hales model planes
- Tharg's Future Shocks: Food for Thought
- advert: Shoot
- 2000 AD Nerve Centre featuring Supercover Saga No. 8: The Satan Horde
- M.A.C.H.1: The Death Trumpet
- Judge Dredd: Dream Palace
- advert: Corgi James Bond toys
- Futurefocus 1: Space Hospital - Postergraph 1 of 6