This prog saw the continuing story of Shako, while the stories of M.A.C.H.1, Dan Dare, Invasion and Tharg's Future Shocks all reached their conclusions. Although all four of these strips would continue with new stories in the next Prog. The only story in this prog not to continue from the previous issue was a single part Judge Dredd story that featured his robot, Walter. Also in this prog were a debut supercover saga from the team of Brett Ewins and Brendan McCarthy, and a couple of cut-out-and-keep 100 Galactic Groat banknotes.
- Invasion: Volgess Part 2 of 2[3]
- A 'Spot the Walter' competition to win a Space Communicator toy
- Judge Dredd: Walter's Secret Job
- Shako: Shako Part 14 of 16
- Dan Dare: Legion Part 6 of 6
- 2000 AD Nerve Centre featuring Supercover Saga No. 15: Dangerous Android at Large
- M.A.C.H.1: UFO Part 4 of 4
- adverts: Tiger & Action Annual 1978
- Tharg's Future Shocks: Excursion Part 2 of 2
- advert: Weetabix
- 2 cut-out 100 Galactic Groat banknotes