This prog saw Judge Dredd sent to Luna-1 for a 6-month stint as Judge-Marshal there. The next few Dredd stories would all deal with his time on Luna-1 until his return to Mega-City One in Prog 59. Other than this and a new Tharg's Future-Shock, the other strips all continued from the previous issue.
- Judge Dredd: Luna-1
- Tharg's Future-Shocks: Time Past
- advert: Mamod models
- Invasion: The Prince Part 6 of 8
- advert: Battle-Action
- 2000AD Nerve Centre
- advert: Huret bicycle gears
- Supercover Saga No 24: Hi-Fly
- Bonjo from Beyond the Stars Part 2 of 10
- Dan Dare: Star Slayer Part 7 of 16
- adverts: Airfix & Shoot annual 1978
- M.A.C.H.1: Death Ray Part 3 of 3
- advert: Letraset transfers
- Harlem Heroes: Inferno Part 7 of 40