This issue saw the start of a run of 13 Progs that would use the front cover as the first page of the Dan Dare strip. It also featured a teaser for The Visible Man which would start in the next issue and the first part of a cut-out-and-keep card game called Supernova.
- Dan Dare: Star Slayer Part 11 of 16
- Tharg's Future-Shocks: Time Was
- advert: Triman self-drawing compass
- Bonjo from Beyond the Stars Part 6 of 10
- advert: Tiger
- competition to win a Star Wars double LP
- M.A.C.H.1: MACH Zero Part 4 of 4
- 2000AD Nerve Centre
- adverts: The Stamp Club & Sterling Stamp Service
- Judge Dredd: Meet Mr. Moonie
- Invasion: Deadlier than the Male!
- Harlem Heroes: Inferno Part 11 of 40
- adverts: Shoot & Roy of the Rovers
- Supernova Part 1 of 6