Tharg The Mighty is an occasional story in 2000AD. It first appeared in Prog 24 as an introduction to Tharg's Future-Shocks which would appear the following week. The strip centres around Tharg, the fictitious alien editor of the comic, and his day-to-day life on Planet Earth.
List of Stories[]
- Tharg and the Intruder (Prog 24)
- A Day in the Life of the Mighty Tharg (Prog 129)
- Tharg's Xmas Tale (Prog 145)
- What Tharg Did on Sunday (Prog 146)
- This Is Your Life (Prog 155)
- Tharg and the Cheat (Prog 162)
- The Final Secret (Sci-Fi Special 1980)
- The Great Human Rip-Off (Prog 176-177)
- Tharg and the Thrill Suckers (Prog 180)
- Tharg Strikes Back! (Prog 181)
- Tharg Saves the Day! (Prog 182)
- Revenge of the Thrill Suckers (Prog 198-199)
- Tharg at the Party (Prog 200)
- Tharg and the Creep Who Stole Croydon (Prog 207)
- The Day They Banned 2000 AD! (Prog 208-209)
- Alien! (Sci-Fi Special 1981)
- The Nightmare (Prog 222-223)
- Tharg Ahoy! (2000AD Annual 1982)
- Tharg Gets the Call (2000AD Annual 1982)
- Tharg's Christmas Tale (Prog 243-244)
- Tharg's Birthday Party (Prog 260)
- Leave It to, Um… Burt (2000AD Annual 1983)
- The Shedding (Prog 283-285)
- Tharg and the Mice (Prog 304)
- Invasion of the Thrill-Snatchers (Prog 308-312)
- A Tharg Special Thriller: Mr Macabre (Prog 314)
- The Day the World Died (Nearly) (Sci-Fi Special 1983)
- The Lethal Laziness of Lobelia Loam (Prog 323)
- The Challenge (Prog 361)
- Tharg at the Printers (2000AD Annual 1985)
- Zrag Law (Prog 386)
- Judge Grexnix (Prog 427)
- Exit the Wally (Prog 435)
- Enter the Beast (Prog 436)
- Psmith's Farewell (Prog 443)
- Supersub! (Prog 467)
- 2000BC (Prog 473)
- Tharg's Head Revisited (Prog 500)
- The Dredd End (Judge Dredd Annual 1988)
- The Last Laugh (2000AD Winter Special 1990)
- Galactic Greetings (Prog 719)
- Night of the Living Thrill Sucker (Sci-Fi Special 1991)
- The Question (Prog 749)
- Bring Me the Head of Dredd! (2000AD Yearbook 1993)
- A Moving Experience (2000AD Winter Special 1992)
- Tharg's Masterclass (Prog 823)
- The Perilous Perm of the Purple Nurples (Prog 841)
- Guess Who's Coming to Breakfast (2000AD Yearbook 1994)
- Deathkill 2: The Dogs of Blood (2000AD Winter Special 1993)
- Death of a Droid (2000AD Yearbook 1995)
- The Dictator's Cut (2000AD Winter Special 1994)
- The Great Thrill-Power Overload! (Prog 2001)
- A Night 2 Remember (Prog 1280)
- A History of 2000 AD in 5 Pages (Prog 1526)
- Building a Better Comic (Prog 2014)