A gang war begins between humans and a group of talking apes led by Don Uggie Apelino. The Judges intervene.
In his personal apartment, Dredd gets a visit from Don Uggie Apelino has his henchmen, warning him that another gang is muscling in on their turf and that there will be bloodshed if they're not stopped. Sure enough, a tit-for-tat gang war begins. Dredd goes to Don Uggie's apartment and gets some information out of Mama Apelino, his mother. The tip-off leads them to intercept a tobacco smuggling convoy being run by the rival gang. They bust the hoods in the convoy but drive it on themselves. When the apes try to attack it further down the road, they are caught in a trap set by the Judges. The apes can't be convicted using human laws, but Dredd invokes the Animal Nuisance Act to see them locked up in the Mega-City Zoo.[1]
- Judge Dredd[1]
- Don Uggie Apelino[1]
- Fast Eek[1]
- Joe Bananas[1]
- Gus Grunt[1]
- Sonny Cosmo[1]
- Mama Apelino[1]